Bath Beads used to be the Best Thing for baths in the 80s and 90s! Here at LipBuzz we are determined to bring that joy back in our everyday lives!
Today, the LipBuzz Bath Beads have improved formulas that are more delicate on your skin than some previous 90s versions, while coming in many more shapes and fragrances. Watching the bath bead dissolve in warm water is a thrilling and relaxing experience. We recommend enjoying a warm Bath Bead Bath for 15 to 30 minutes.
"These were the Bath Bombs of my day!"
The 90s HYPE is back!
"I loved Bath Beads as a kid! Can you still buy them? Not seen them for decades but my daughter would love them!"
"How many of these did we used to have?!"
"These were the bath bombs of my day!"
Shop all fragrances, shapes and size Bath Beads at Lip-Buzz.com TODAY!